• Technical-economic feasibility studies for bio-diesel production: localization and sizing of the areas of cultivation of oil plantations, analysis of the best solution to transport all required/produced materials, engineering and technological analysis of the bio-diesel production plant (trans-esterification), investment and operating costs evaluation (Brazil, Congo, Angola 1988-2009).

  • CIVITAS European Community Project - Clean and Energy Efficient Public Transport Fleet (2011-2012): costs/benefits analysis to support the measures/actions proposed for the city of Brescia (use of electric buses fed by photovoltaic plants and/or by methane with low emissions; car pooling; car sharing; etc.).

  • Consultancy at high technological content for the tar sands cultivation (Congo 2008-2010):

    • Feasibility study for the production of tar sands from different quarries locations: estimation of the material quantities to be moved, sizing and localization of the support areas/facilities (storage areas, logistics, etc.), analysis of the different road itineraries among the quarries and the asphalt production plant, analysis of the different extraction types, definition of the best solution for the extraction and transport, technical-economic analysis, risk analysis (hazard identification study), elaboration of the term of reference for the tender.
    • Analysis of the asphalt quality obtained with the use of tar sands (mix-design optimization, analysis of the laboratory tests and assistance to the production testing at the asphalt plant in Congo).
    • Assistance during the procurement of a asphalt plant suitable to use the tar sands (definition of the term of reference for the tender; technical analysis of the constructors proposals).
    • Supervision of the works during the preparation/extraction/environmental restoration phases, included the access road construction and the material transport.