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Dr. Silvano Spada

Collaborator / Railway System Expert

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skype: silvanoernesto.spada 


Graduated (cum laude) in Physics, Electronics Sector, at the University of Milan in 1978.

He gained the two-year post-graduate Master in Business Administration at the Bocconi University of Milan (1987).

Since 1976 he has gained experience in the field of planning, design and supervision of transport systems (passenger and freight) regarding the transport operation/exercise, the civil works, the equipment and technological systems.

Since 1992 he has held roles of Project Manager for multidisciplinary projects of transport systems and logistics for big petrochemical plants.

Until 2009 he held the position of "Responsible of technologies and of transport infrastructures systems" by Saipem / CEPAV1 and CEPAV2 and he directed the training courses for "maintenance managers" of high speed railway lines (civil works, technologies, permanent way, facilities).

Since 2008 he collaborates as expert with prof. Roberto Maja at the Politecnico of Milan, Department of Technique and Economics of Transport.

Since 2010 he collaborates with TRANSPLAN as a Senior Consultant (Projects CEPAV1 and CEPAV2: Railway lines HS/HCC Milan-Bologna and Milan-Verona)

Abroad work experiences in Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, Panama, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Spain, Venezuela.

Enlisted into Association of Italian Railway Engineers (C.I.F.I.).




Laura Bossi - Urban Planner


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Graduated in Urban and Environmental Planning at the Politecnico of Milan in December 2002.

Active in the profession in 2005 and enlisted in the Register of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the Province of Milan.

She collaborates with TRANSPLAN since 2004 in the sectors of urban planning and design of transport infrastructures (railway, road, etc.) with the support of GIS (Geographic Information System) and CAD software applications.

As freelance, she has gained extensive experience in the urban planning, in the tools of government land (PGT) and in the processes of Strategic Environmental Evaluation.




Dr. Renato Pugno

Collaborator / Economy Expert



Graduated in Economy at Bocconi University of Milan in 1969.

He gained a postgraduate degree in "Transportation System Analysis and Forecasting Transportation Demand" at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston – USA.

He has developed a wide national and international experience in the economic and financial analysis of projects regarding big public works/infrastructures in the fields of energy and transport.

He has held roles of consultancy and assistance in the implementation of public works with the "Project Financing" system, including the definition and organization of tender procedures.

He has performed studies on the pricing/tariff policies and transport planning, with the support of financial models and software to estimate the potential transport demand.

Currently he teaches at the Politecnico of Milan in course "Economic Evaluation of Projects”.

He collaborates with TRANSPLAN since 1988 (economic-financial feasibility studies: Upgrading of the Railway Axis Monaco/Germany – Verona/Italy, Transposition Project of the Itaipù Dam - Brazil, etc.).

Abroad work experiences in Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Thailand, Ukraine, Venezuela, etc..




Dr. Eng. Paolo Stiriti

Collaborator / Expert in Railway Technological Systems



Graduated in Electrical Engineering at Politecnico of Milan in 1967.

Expert of railway and underground transport systems, with regard to the design of signaling systems and electrical power.

Enlisted since 1990 on the Order of Inspectors of the Lombardy Region (n.1621) for the categories: railways, public transport systems and electrical distribution systems.

Enlisted since 1997 on the Order of Technical Consultants of the Court of Milan for the following specializations: civil and industrial construction, indoor civil and industrial plants, electro-technical systems, safety (fire prevention, etc.).

Enlisted since 1994 on the List of Professionals authorized to carry out inspections and compliance checks of plants, prepared by the Ministry of Industry in accordance with the Law n.46/90. Member of the Testing Boards.

Planning and project manager of railway stations and underground lines (Line 2 extension of Milan to Assago), innovative transport (automatic underground Line 5 of Milan; APM Milan-San Raffaele and trolley line of Padova), public car parks

Appraisals and economic evaluations.

He collaborates with TRANSPLAN since 2004 (European Community: Conspace Project of Gorizia; Multimodal Center of Mortara - Italy, etc.).




Mr. Carmine Imonti

Collaborator / Expert in railway operations and train control/safety systems.


Work experience in Ferrovie Nord Milano (FNM), a regional railway company from 1962 to 1998.

With FNM he has worked in the Operation Team for the development of the project of the urban railway tunnel line of Milan.

Expert of planning and coordination of railway signaling and electrification projects.

Analyses and studies of railway time services, both as regards the supply of services to users both for the capacity checking of the lines and stations in accord with their characteristics.

Wide experience about updating of the rules for the operation of lines and trains; updating of the existing standards and instructions; preparation of standards required by the introduction of new technologies.

He collaborates with TRANSPLAN since 2002 (Multimodal Center of Isola della Scala – Verona; European Community: Conspace Project of Gorizia; Multimodal Center of Mortara - Italy, etc.).



Dr. Eng. Claudio Scapaticci 

Collaborator / Marine Infrastructures Expert


Graduated in Civil Engineering, Transport Sector, at the Politecnico of Milan in 1978.

After a brief experience as assistant by the geotechnical institute of Politecnico of Milan (prof. Meardi), he began to work abroad (Lesotho, South Africa, Lybia) as designer and assistant in the working sites of civil infrastructures.

He came back to Italy in 1981 to take part in the European Project regarding the road paving on behalf of Eni Group and in collaboration with the Italian Highway Company published the results of the work in the journal “Autostrade” of 1982.

In 1982, he worked by Snamprogetti where he acquired a wide experience in the field of infrastructure with special reference to marine terminals and systems for handling coal.

He took part in the planning of the port infrastructures expansion regarding the pipeline Iran-Turkey doubling project during the Iran-Iraq war.

He planned and controlled the implementation of numerous marine terminals, including the upgrades of the goods terminal of Vado Ligure and the oil terminal of the refinery Ruwais in Abu Dhabi.

He carried out many studies in Italy and abroad on behalf of Agip Petroli and Agip Carbone.

He is Eni's technical representative for the port terminals in the General Transport Plan and always on behalf of Eni he participates in the tender of the project to double the Suez Canal (project never implemented).

He worked In 1990 for the Italcementi Group. where he introduced the techniques of project management for the construction of the industrial plants.

In 1998, he became responsible for monitoring the Group's investment by the international headquarters in Paris.

He collaborates with TRANSPLAN since 2011 (Al Zubayr Project - Iraq).

Abroad work experiences in Belgium, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Libya, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela.



Giorgio Pisani (
Land Surveyor)

Collaborator / Permanent Way Design and Construction Expert


Graduated by Technical Institute for Land-Surveyor of Vigevano – Italy (1969); he has attended (1971-1972) the “Central School of the professional training Services/Works/Construction” of the Italian State Railways (FS).

From 1971 to 1982 he has gained experience on permanent way works by in the Regional Department of Milan / Codogno Office.

As Operating Chief, he has carried out civil works and railway construction in Cremona and Pavia provinces from 1982 to 1987.

From 1987 to 1990, as Technical Chief of the Technical Office of Regional Department of Milan, he has carried out the works to eliminate several rail crossings and to organize/control the crossings of railway lines by roads/pipelines/power lines according to Italian Decree 753 (DPR 753, 11th July 1980).

From 1990 to 1995, as Chief of the Sub-Contracted Works Office, he was responsible for the preparation of contracts and management works on behalf of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (the Infrastructure Company of FS).

From 1995 to 2000, as direct collaborator of the Regional Director of the RFI Department (Milano and then Genova) and of Rome Production Central Department, he carried out activities of planning/revamping/maintenance of the railway lines and buildings as expert of works to minimize the impacts during trains operation.

From 2000 to 2001, being in charge as Ciwil works Office Manager (OC1) of Milano Regional Department, he was the responsible of the design relative to civil works and permanent way.

From 2001 to 2010, he is was consultant – for Snamprogetti / Saipem – of the High Speed line Milano-Bologna Consortium (named CEPAV Uno), during the planning and construction of the HS line as coordinator of the works carried out on operating railway lines, including the solutions adopted to reduce / eliminate the interferences generated by the new line construction on the existing railway lines (connecting tracks, under-passes, buildings, etc.) and the laying down of the High Speed Railway turnouts and permanent way.

From 2011, he is consultant of Saipem S.p.a. (ENI Group) for the implementation of Continuous Welded Rails of a new line in Middle East, including the remote control of the behavior of rails under temperature and train circulation stresses.

He is the inventor and the owner of patents relating to innovative equipments (named Certirail 1, Certirail 2, Certitemp) for the laying and the remote control of Continuous Welded Rails.

He is enlisted, from many years, into Association of Italian Railway Engineers (C.I.F.I.).