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TRANSPLAN has carried out many projects in the field of the transport and passengers mobility.

In particular:

  • Surveys and investigation on the vehicular traffic.

  • Surveys and investigation of the mobility on the urban and sub-urban public vehicles (counting of aboard/ entry-exit passengers; analysis of the transport quality/comfort; evaluation of the influence area of the stations/stops; etc.).

  • Parking demand analysis in urban areas (Brescia, Milan, Bologna), in particular referred to tourist areas.

  • Studies regarding the impacts on the road network generated by new residential/ commercial/industrial buildings: Cagliari/Italy, Manoel Island/Malta, Agadir/Morocco, Milan-Rogoredo/Italy, San Donato Milanese/Italy, etc.

  • Technical-economic-financial Feasibility Study for the upgrading of the railway axis Monaco-Verona with the introduction of a new base tunnel of the Brennero Alpine Pass.

  • Urban Traffic Master Plan and passengers mobility analysis of Valencia city (Venezuela – 1.600.000 inhabitants). This Study has been financed by the Inter-American Development Bank and Mundial Bank.

  • Technical-economic feasibility studies for passengers public transport systems (Brescia, Prato) and in particular regarding innovative transport systems (Rome, Madonna di Campiglio, Cervinia, Sanremo / Italy).

  • Planning and evaluation for the urban bus public services (Como, Lecco / Italy) and suburban (Province of Padova, Province of Brescia, High and Central Camonica Valley / Italy).

  • Transport & Mobility Plan and Triennial Program of the Services (Province of Brescia / Italy).

  • Services program planning for railway lines (Brescia-Iseo-Edolo, Brescia-Cremona, Chiavenna-Colico /Italy).

  • Integrated development plan for storage areas in Paranaguà port and for the railway transport in the State of Paranà (Brazil).

  • Technical-economic-financial Feasibility Study for the Itaipù dam transposition for waterway navigation (Brazil): goods traffic demand study among the states of Mercosul (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) and in particular about the waterway transport of the Rio Paranà, preliminary project with the scope to by-pass the Itapù dam on the Rio Paranà (“vinciane chiuse” system, naval lift, inclined plan, etc.), co-operation with the Liege University (Belgium) - Naval Architecture, Ocean & Harbour Engineering, Sea & Inland Navigation Technics, Transportation System Analysis (Prof. J.Marchal), modal split and traffic assignment to the different transport system (roads, railway, sea and waterway).

  • Feasibility study regarding a railway shuttle service between France and Italy for the aboard transport of road heavy vehicles, using the new railway tunnel of the Frejus Alpine Pass (1997).

  • Impact study on the local road network due to the construction of the new Headquarter Office Building of ENI Company in San Donato Milanese / Italy.